Cameron - County Olmito Rail Yard Expansion and West Rail Project
Olmito Railyard Expansion Project
West Railroad Relocation Project
Border Railroads
WT Byler Co Wins Contract for Construction of Olmito Railyard and Westrail Project - Brownsville
INTERNATIONAL RAILROAD - Coordination success for TxDOT, Cameron County, City of Brownsville, UPRR, KCSM, City of Matamoros, State of Tamaulipas, Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes and multiple federal / state agencies. Over the past 20+ years, residents of the City of Brownville have wanted the railro ads out of downtown... deactivation to date is 79 of their 93 railroad crossings.
WT Byler Co wins contract with Cameron County for construction of the Olmito Railyard Expansion Project - $10.2M. McCarthy Building Companies wins W est Railroad Relocation Project - $26.5M, subcontracting the earthwork portion / new rail construction to W T Byler Co - $15.1M. The project will begin at the UPRR's junction to the Port of Brownsville and south of Olmito and then continue west and south for 5.8 miles crossing over US 281, the International Boundary and W ater Commission levee and continue across the Rio Grande River. The proposed international rail bridge is 15 river miles upstream from the existing B&M Bridge and the KCSM connection in Matamoros.