ExxonMobil Campus - The Woodlands
W.T. Byler Co. led a major site-preparation project in Spring, Texas, involving earthworks, road construction, stormwater systems, and utilities. The project covered over 400 acres, constructing haul roads, retaining walls, and a JRCP ring-road, with zero OSHA or environmental recordables.
224 craft workers
224 craft workers
156 construction equipment pieces
750k work-hours
750,000 work-hours with ZERO OSHA recordables
Major Site-Preparation Project -- The Spring, Texas
Force peaked at 224 craft workers and 156 pieces of construction equipment. Scope included:
- Selective clearing & grubbing of over 400 acres
- Constructed over 6 miles of haul / access roads
- Excavated & embanked over 4 million cubic yards of earth material including tunnels, drainage structures and levees
- Constructed 2.5 miles of JRCP ring-road
- Completed all undergrade utilities & storm water systems
- Mechanically stabilized earth systems including 45,000 SF of retaining walls & 18,000 SF of earthen slopes.
WT Byler Co SSHE records included over 750,000 work-hours with ZERO OSHA recordables. Environmental recovery reported over 550,000 construction equipment hours with ZERO recordables. The campus included construction for 14 low-rise office buildings, three parking garages to accommodate more than 10,000 employees, large central campus commons, laboratory building, child care center, and a comprehensive roadway system with bridges, a state-of-the-art central utility plant, and all new utility services to the project site.
Key Facts:
- Selective clearing & grubbing of over 400 acres
- 6 miles of access roads and 2.5 miles of JRCP ring-road constructed
- Mechanically stabilized earth systems with retaining walls and earthen slopes for stormwater management
- Campus included office buildings, parking garages, bridges, and a utility plant